Jesse Petrea looking to secure another 2 years as state legislator for House District 166

While most state legislators are focused on Election Day, Jesse Petrea is already looking into the future. As he gears up for another race for the House District 166 seat , Petrea reflects on all that he accomplished in the house last year and says there is more work to be done.

Land preservation is at the top of the list.

“One of my priorities now is to find a way to accelerate our ability to acquire and protect land from development,” said Petrea. “The state has grown exponentially in population and is so economically successful that we’re growing so rapidly. As we do, I think what we’ve got to do is balance that with making sure we continue to have land that is protected for public use or protected for conservation so that we continue to have economic development but we also continue to have a state that has the opportunities for Georgians that it did when I grew up.”

Petrea has held the position for 10 years and helped to pass a bill that puts more money in veterans’ pockets, as well as legislation regarding immigration in House Bill 1105.

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