Vietnam veterans honored, reunited at Ford Oval of Honor Brunch

COLUMBUS, Ohio ( WCMH ) — Veterans Day is still more than a week away but in central Ohio, veterans were celebrated early.

The seventh annual Ford Oval of Honor brunch was held at the National Veterans Memorial and Museum on Sunday. Forty-five previous Ford Oval of Honor recipients were joined by their friends and family to share their experiences while serving the United States. The program recognizes service members who have demonstrated a long commitment to this country.

“There’s only one profession in the world that asks you to raise your right hand and say “I’m prepared to give my life in their defense.” And that’s the military,” said Retired Maj. Gen. Ed Mechenbier.

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This year’s speakers were four Air Force veterans who served during the Vietnam War: Retired Col. Carlyle Smith Harris, Retired Maj. Gen. Ed Mechenbier, Retired Col. Tom Moe and Retired Capt. Guy Gruters.

“I’m just one of millions of men and women who served in the military. I happened to be one of the millions who had a unique circumstance in Vietnam,” said Mechenbier. They shared their story of being held captive in the Hanoi Hilton.

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