It’s Election Day at Tates Creek High School. Well, sort of. Students at Tates Creek took time to cast their vote in a mock U.S. Presidential Election.
“It’s a huge opportunity to kind of have our kids practice some citizenship skills, or be aware of the things that we teach in citizenship class, and how they affect real life,” said library media specialist Jennifer Eldridge. “Just seemed like the perfect time to kind of get the whole school together, involved in a schoolwide activity that kind of celebrates that and brings awareness to everything that’s going on.”
The schoolwide election actually started a few weeks ago when students had to register to vote in their social studies class. When they walked into the library, students checked in and showed their student ID.
“We check them in, send them over to vote, they get a sticker, like we’re trying to make it as much like the real thing as possible,” Eldridge explained. “I love whenever I can get the kids in here doing this kind of stuff, because it really does help them connect things.”