Virginia has one of the highest black bear populations in the US

Black bears are plentiful in North America

According to AZ Animals, Virginia has one of the highest black bear populations in the US. In 2023, there were sightings reported all across the Commonwealth on Facebook and local news reports and videos regularly between April and November.

These reports significantly decreased in 2024, but that does not necessarily indicate a lower population. Black bears are Virginia’s largest land mammal, and their diet is 75% vegetarian.

Black Bear population in the US

Alaska has the most black bears, with 100,000. California and Oregon have 25,000 to 35,000, Maine 35,000, Wisconsin 25,000, and Washington State 24,000. Idaho has 20,000 to 30,000.

Virginia and North Carolina have an estimated 18,000 to 20,000 of the mammals. Ohio had the lowest rate, 50-100, and the other listed states averaged several hundred to several thousand.

This story was originally published here.