Veterans’ recognition at Olive Grove Baptist Church

APPLING, Ga. (WJBF) – Veterans Day is tomorrow, and a local church did something special for the members who served in the past.

Olive Grove Baptist Church acknowledges their veterans during their church service to recognize and thank them for their service.

The church had the children give a small gift to veterans who stood up, prayed for them, and thanked them for their service. A veteran I spoke to told me he was glad the children were taught what Veterans Day means.

“It was very inspiring to me because it shows that they’re being taught the importance of veterans,” said Robert Leverett, a veteran.

Veterans are happy to feel recognized by their church.

“This is an opportunity for everyone to think back on those freedoms and opportunities that we are given, of course, as US Citizens, and the sacrifice that it takes for those. So, that saying,  they say all gave some, but some gave all,” said Dejuan Bullock, a veteran.

Not only were veterans happy to be acknowledged, but they also thanked others who did their service and did not make it back and remembered their families.

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