SF eliminating 14,000 parking spaces as CA’s new Daylighting Law takes effect: Here’s what it means

For drivers around the Bay Area, parking just got a little bit harder.

Beginning Monday , a new state law requires cities around California to improve visibility at intersections to protect pedestrians- called “daylighting.”

That means from now on, no car will be able to park within 20 feet of any crosswalk.

“This is not just for pedestrians, this is also for the driver. What daylighting does is it gives clear sight lines to the driver to the person that’s standing in the crosswalk,” said Jodie Medeiros.

Medeiros is the executive director of Walk San Francisco.

She says daylighting has already been implemented in other cities and states around the country and has proven effective in saving lives.

RELATED: New parking rules taking effect in San Francisco this week: Here’s what to know

In San Francisco, the city’s Municipal Transportation Agency estimates the new rules will cause a loss of about 5% of its total parking, or about 14,000 spaces.

The law also doesn’t provide cities funding to paint curbs red or remove potential parking meters already in place- leaving parking discretion up to the driver.

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