Kentuckians pushing for 2nd chance at life through the Clean Slate Act

LEXINGTON, Ky. ( FOX 56 ) — Several Kentuckians who filled the room at Lexington’s Voices of Hope Community Center Thursday, are pushing for a second chance at life.

The town hall was put on to educate people on the Clean Slate Act that will be deliberated by lawmakers this upcoming session.

“I just remember thinking like, ‘What a waste of the court’s time and money, right, to bring me in to sit me down, to tell her the same thing that she’s already reading about me,’ and I was ultimately granted the expungement,” said Alaina Sweasy, principal of Lane 13 Consulting.

Several community members who served out their jail time were on the panel, promoting a bill that would make it possible for more than half a million Kentuckians to have criminal records wiped clean. It would apply mainly to people with misdemeanors and some class D felons.


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