School shootings across the country remain on the rise, but districts in New England are taking new steps to prevent these tragedies.
Boston 25 took a closer look at schools in Massachusetts to analyze how they’re stepping up security.
Security consultant Todd McGhee has worked with the Marie Philips Elementary School in Framingham for years – installing new safety measures that are often overlooked.
Unsuspecting monitors and clocks throughout the school easily disguised critical messaging systems that can flash warnings in case of emergencies.
“Short, quick communications so that the community is not wondering what in the world is going,” McGhee explained.
A longtime Mass. State Trooper, McGhee now consults critical infrastructure like airports, stations, and schools about how they can best protect those inside.
Marie Philips Elementary is just one school on the campus of the Learning Center for the Deaf.
While their challenges are different from other schools, McGhee believes they set an example for what schools across Massachusetts will soon do.