Sick of Tailgaters? Here’s What North Carolina Law Recommends You Do

Tailgating—or following another vehicle too closely—isn’t just frustrating; it’s dange*ous. In 2023 alone, this behavior contributed to over 4,500 crashes across North Carolina, according to data from NCDMV.

While it might be tempting to respond with a brake check (slamming on your brakes to scare the driver), doing so could land you in legal trouble. In North Carolina, brake checking is considered reckless driving, a Class 2 misdemeanor punishable by fines, jail time, or even felony charges if it leads to serious injury or death.

What Does NC Law Say?

How to Handle Tailgaters

The NCDMV Driver Handbook suggests:

  1. Stay calm: Maintain your lane and speed without escalating the situation.
  2. Move over: Change lanes and let the driver pass.
  3. Use signals: Help the tailgater anticipate your moves.
  4. Report them: If the behavior is aggressive, contact law enforcement.

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