Sandy Paws Rescue Inc., a dedicated foster-based rescue organization in Massachusetts, has recently introduced a young dog named Canelo who is searching for his forever family. Described as being an “energetic and cuddly puppy” this young dog has a happy spirit regardless of his rough start to life. “Canelo, his mom Luna Sunny and his siblings Cassy, Lawn, and Zorrillo were abandoned on the streets of Houston. A kind woman decided to foster them,” explains Sandy Paws Rescue, who is currently trying to find Canelo a forever home up north in New England.
At under five months old, Canelo is a young pup who is still working on his training, including learning to stay in his crate and behind housetrained. Although he still has an occasional accident, his foster family explains that Canelo is getting better every day.
Canelo’s foster family explains that he is extremely friendly and sweet. “Canelo loves showing his belly to everyone and loves chewy toys. Canelo will be a great addition to any family since he is a sweet and friendly boy,” states Sandy Paws Rescue.