Charlotte airport’s plan to increase flight paths to reduce noise raises community concerns

If Charlotte’s airport widens the range of flight paths, spreading routes across a bigger swath of the city, would that mitigate noise pollution ?

After a two-year study by the airport that looks at how to reduce noise and which areas are “compatible” with airplane noise, airport officials believe so.

That’s one of the biggest changes proposed in Charlotte Douglas International Airport’s updated Part 150 Noise Compatibility Study . (“Part 150” refers to the federal regulation that governs airport noise studies.)

On Monday, City Council will determine whether that plan will be placed in front of the Federal Aviation Administration for final approval.

Why is the Part 150 study needed?

While the airport was discussing construction plans for its fourth runway and its general growth , the city of Charlotte committed to updating the Part 150 Study in 2022.

The city owns the airport, which is an American Airlines hub and one of the busiest in the world .

The study looks at ways to Updating the study would allow the airport to update its Noise Compatibility Program and Noise Exposure Map.

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