BURLINGTON, N.C. (WGHP) — Every home should have several smoke detectors because they’re a critical piece of safety equipment when a fire breaks out. Now, there’s a new piece of technology that can give you an earlier warning.
It’s the Flame Detector, a high-tech device that’s Made in North Carolina.
When a fire starts in your home, it can take up to four minutes before enough smoke builds up to set off a smoke alarm. Those minutes are critical when your family needs to get out of the house to a safe place.
That’s why the Flame Detector is different – instead of four minutes, it can detect a fire in just two seconds.
John Andres has a long career in the industry, and he worked with a development team based in Burlington to create the device. It’s similar to expensive fire detection systems found in offshore oil rigs.
They wanted to develop a system that would give the same results at a much lower cost. The Flame Detector is triggered by UV light given off by a flame.
It creates an audible alarm and sends a message to your phone right away. With a price of $129, Andres says this is affordable protection for any home.