A year after forming a new effort to generate funding for infrastructure improvements in eastern Coachella Valley communities, Riverside County will update the public on how the initiative is going.
The Public Financing Authority for the Eastern Coachella Valley Enhanced Infrastructure Financing District (EIFD) will meet today following the Board of Supervisors meeting, at 2 p.m. or as soon as possible thereafter.
The infrastructure included in the projects are water/wastewater facilities, transportation, utilities and telecommunications facilities, the Salton Sea, housing, and community facilities.
The following are options for viewing/participating at next Tuesday’s meeting:
The EIFD’s Public Financing Authority’s Web page, http://rivcoed.org/eastern-coachella-valley , explains how EIFDs work, with videos and Frequently Asked Questions, as well as meeting information and an infrastructure needs survey. The survey is ongoing and community members are encouraged to give their input.