Erielicious kitchens are at peak production as Christmas 2024 approaches. Here’s a fun thing we can do that won’t get flour all over the floor: Pick your favorite Christmas cookie, and we’ll run a recipe for the winner next week.
I left off several traditional treats because they weren’t technically cookies, such as buckeyes, toffee, brownies, barks, layer bars, anything lemon (just doesn’t say Christmas to me) fudge, etc. I figured plenty of tried-and-true cookies fill the bill. But if one of those is a hit from a write-in campaign in the “Other” section, I’ll include a recipe for that, too.
Vote like Christmas is depending on you. And send the link to your friends. It only takes a few keystrokes, though I do understand having to invest a few minutes in the decision-making process. It’s not an easy exercise. But it sure tastes good. Don’t think about it too long, though. The poll closes Dec. 19 at 8 a.m.