More red light safety cameras and speeding cameras coming to Hawaii roads

HONOLULU (KHON2) — Red light runners and speeders beware, the State Department of Transportation is rolling out more cameras and adding to its enforcement program.

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The red light safety camera pilot program has been given the green light for expansion according to DOT Director Ed Sniffen.

“At the end of this year, our two year pilot formally ends, and once it ends, it allows us to expand beyond the original 10 locations,” Sniffen explained.

He said they plan to roll out an average of 10 new red light cameras per year. DOT is currently determining the locations, which will be announced in February, based on crashes, and incidents across the state.

According to Sniffen, the program reduced red light running an average 45%, with some locations reduced by up to 70 percent.

That success prompting officials to take the next step.

“We have the authority now to to turn on the speed cams for those red light safety cameras,” Sniffen said. “That’s going to be going on this year as well.”

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