Ideas for the 12 days before Christmas

HONOLULU (KHON2) — The holidays have devolved over the years into weeks of stressful shopping, planning, wrapping and partying.

It has become a time of debt accumulation and unbridled consumption. But what if there were a different way to experience the next 12 days before Christmas?

Get Hawaii’s latest morning news delivered to your inbox, sign up for News 2 You did a bit of digging to find out some ways we can make these next 12 days more fun and more community focused.

So, here’s a list of 12 things people can do in the 12 days before Christmas that will make Hawai ʻ i a place of community and empathy.

These activities focus on kindness, community, the environment and cultural respect.

Day 1: Clean up a beach or park

Dec. 13: Hawai ʻ i’s beaches and parks are some of the most beautiful places in the world, but they can get dirty from trash left behind by people or because rubbish is being washed onto our shores from places outside Hawai ʻ i where people pollute the ocean’s ecosystem.:

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