The Navarre Avenue Safety Improvement project and the design for the expansion of the water treatment plant are among the major projects scheduled for next year in Oregon.
Improvements to the major thoroughfare, a $7.2 million project, will be a continuation of upgrades made there years ago, according to Paul Roman, public service director.
“It’s a big project,” he said. “We’re continuing with the improvements we made on Navarre between I-280 and Isaac Streets Drive, which included the construction of a median with U-Turns and bollard lights that change colors. The same improvements were made at Coy Road and Navarre.
“We’re just filling in the gap,” Mr. Roman said.
Next year, the project will go from Isaac Streets Drive to Coy Road. In addition to the construction of a median, U-turns and bollard lights, it will include the installation of two traffic lights — one at Kroger and the other at E. Harbor Drive. A traffic light currently in front of Ralphie’s on Navarre Avenue will be relocated to Fountain Square, where mostly apartments are located.