Bishop Michael Olson, Vatican have better things to do than persecute Arlington nuns Opinion

Church priorities

If Bishop Michael Olson and the Vatican devoted as much vim and vigor to searching for active pedophile priests as they have to dealing with the Carmelite nuns in Arlington , maybe the church wouldn’t have had to pay $3 billion in settlements. (Dec. 4, 1A, “Vatican no longer recognizes Arlington monastery”)

We’d also have a lot fewer damaged adults and children who were preyed upon by protected pedophiles.

– Tom Fenimore, Hurst

No need to know

I fail to see how the fact that Jay Chapa has Hispanic ancestors is relevant to his hiring as Fort Worth city manager. (Dec. 10,, “Jay Chapa becomes Fort Worth’s next city manager despite complaints about hiring process”) It is far more important to address his education and ability to perform his duties.

The pervasive practice of media members to point out race and ethnicity leads only to more division. Intellect and ability have no boundaries based on race, and we need to stop constantly pointing it out.

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