CVRM honoring lives lost to homelessness in “The Longest Night” Homeless Memorial Service

The Coachella Valley Rescue Mission is inviting the community to join them in “The Longest Night” Homeless Memorial Service on December 19. The service will honor lives lost to homelessness

The special event observes Homeless Persons’ Memorial Day, which is on the 21st. Recognized annually on the “longest night of the year,” this solemn day honors the lives lost to homelessness. It serves as a powerful reminder of the urgent need to address this crisis in our community.

“It’s important for individuals to come and take part so that we’re honoring those who have passed,” said Kirsten Crawford from CVRM. “These people are lost, they’re not forgotten. And this memorial is for people to understand that homeless people could be somebody’s brother, sister, mother, father… these are real people.”

The event, supported and hosted by multiple Riverside County agencies, will take place at CVRM, located at 47470 Van Buren Street in Indio from 5 pm  to 8 PM. This event is free and open to the public. For more information or to RSVP, please contact CVRM at 760-347-3512.

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