Sandy Paws Rescue Inc., a dedicated foster-based dog rescue in Massachusetts, recently introduced a young dog named Roscoe who is just starting his journey towards finding his forever family. The nonprofit, which is now caring for him, explains, “When Roscoe was just a puppy, he likely thought he’d hit the jackpot—a family, a home, a chance at love and safety. But instead he got years of neglect and pain. Two years later, Roscoe’s body tells the story his voice can’t.”
“Half of his fur is gone, leaving raw, infected patches of skin exposed to the elements. His thin frame shows the signs of starvation, and his overgrown nails make every step painful. He was left outside, forgotten in the rain, wind, and cold while his family watched. Roscoe wasn’t just neglected—he was abandoned emotionally and physically. There were so many resources that could have helped him, but his suffering was prolonged until his owner finally decided to surrender him.” – Sandy Paws Rescue Inc.
The rescue team reports that despite his difficult past, Roscoe shows remarkable resilience and an unwavering gentle nature. As Sandy Paws Rescue explains: “Roscoe’s skin is ravaged by bacterial and fungal infections, his nails have grown so long they curl painfully into his pads, and his malnourished body is weak and depleted.” His recovery plan includes daily medicated baths to treat his severe skin infections, regular wound care for his raw patches, specialized nutritional supplements to address his malnourishment, pain management medications, and ongoing veterinary monitoring. His recovery timeline remains uncertain, but Sandy Paws Rescue is committed to ensuring he receives all the care he needs before beginning his search for a permanent home.