15 Types of People Who Would Hate Living in Florida

Tropical Florida may sound like the perfect place to live. But our postcard-perfect mental image of the state might not always play out that way in day-to-day living.

If you’re pondering a move to Florida, it’s important to know what you’re getting into. Along with those sunny beaches come many disadvantages — and even dangers.

If you’re one of these 15 types of people, think twice before you retire early to Florida or even there at a younger age.

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1. People who hate hurricanes

Hurricane season lasts half of the year in Florida, from June 1 to November 30, according to Florida State University’s Florida Climate Center.

In recent years, some devastating storms have made landfall in the Sunshine State, a reminder that these tempests pose a significant threat to the state’s people and property.

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2. People who dislike humidity

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