Grinch Still Causing Havoc In Stewart County

Dover, Tenn.-The Grinch is still at it even though the Stewart County Sheriff’s Office has set out several traps for him. He has managed to elude these traps and is causing a lot of problems in Stewart County. We have found out more about him and where he’s been as well as how he has been traveling around and who he’s with. He was seen in a Wallace Supply truck with a buddy. He was caught stealing packages from a FedX truck. He was also seen taking food from the Food Pantry at North Stewart and was caught opening the safe at North Stewart Water Department. He was seen at the Lil’ Red Wag Inn pestering the pooches. He was caught stealing the tips from The Restaurant (79) and cooked himself a hamburger there. He slipped into 1st Choice Collision looking for goodies and rummaging through vehicles and tool boxes. He took a pan of goodies from the Courthouse breakfast they were having. He was seen at Dover Grille with some buddies and was even in the kitchen looking for something to take. The last and worst thing he was seen doing was taking Christmas cards from the mailboxes inside and outside of the main Post Office. Please continue to let us know where he is being seen, the Sheriff’s Office is hoping to trap him soon. In photo, the Grinch was caught stealing packages from the FedEx truck. Photo by Stewart Co. Sheriff’s Office.

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