Joshua Chamberlain Project honors late son by giving back to hospital

NORFOLK, Va. (WAVY) – A family is honoring the life of their 10-year-old son by giving back to the hospital that helped him during his stay. The Peck family lost Joshua to bacterial meningitis in December 2022.

Their goal is to make other children, and their siblings smile while staying at the CHKD Pediatric Intensive Care Unit.

The Joshua Chamberlain Project was started by Joshua’s parents, Matt and Christina Peck.

Following a successful first year, the family held another toy, blanket and holiday decoration drive. They said they doubled the number of goodies. They delivered 21 large boxes full of toys like Legos, blankets and more.

They said the blankets and toys are vital for families that have a child at CHKD.

“It’s the outpouring of love and support that we get every year that is just amazing. So, I mean, to know that they all have our backs and everybody’s there for us is really helpful too,” said Christina, Joshua’s mother.

Joshua’s parents said giving back and supporting families helps with their grief journey.

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