ESPN kept showing strange graphical error during Fresno State bowl game

Anyone watching the Famous Idaho Potato Bowl closely on ESPN Monday probably spotted a bizarre graphical error that kept afflicting the Fresno State Bulldogs.

The Bulldogs were facing Northern Illinois in the annual game at Albertsons Stadium in Boise, Id. As the game went on, many eagle-eyed viewers noticed that when Fresno State’s nickname was displayed on graphics, it was not quite right. The Bulldogs were instead being billed as the Bulldongs.

Mistakes like this are typically corrected, but it popped up again more than once during the second quarter.

Honest mistake and bad typo? Someone on the graphics team managing to get away with an elaborate practical joke? You decide, but it is pretty baffling that the issue was not quickly spotted and fixed. These types of errors do happen , but rarely do they look like this.

Fresno State did have a 13-3 lead at halftime. If they go on to win, maybe the new nickname will stick.

The post ESPN kept showing strange graphical error during Fresno State bowl game appeared first on Larry Brown Sports .

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