Three students at Erie High School stood outside a classroom on Dec. 17. One yelled into the room, according to what Erie police said is shown on surveillance video . The other two students accompanied him.
The one student yelled until the staff ordered him to leave.
Classes at Erie High ended for the day at 3:40 p.m. The student who was yelling into the classroom was seen leaving the building at 3:52 p.m.
About three minutes later, according to police, a rear passenger in a red Ford Fusion fired into a crowd and killed a 17-year-old boy, Armoni Cantu, and shot another 17-year-old boy in the face at West 31st and Liberty streets, about five blocks from Erie High, at 3325 Cherry St.
Also fired upon, police said, was a red Chrysler 200 sedan that was parked near the crowd.
Erie police said the incident outside the classroom and the shooting were related — a contention the police reaffirmed with the latest charges filed in the case.