North East official: Repairs, flushing, testing required before boil-water advisory lifted

Tears on the floating cover of the Fairchild Reservoir are expected to be patched Monday afternoon.

However, the reservoir must be flushed and undergo further testing before the state can lift a boil-water advisory for North East township and borough residents, who rely on the reservoir for clean water.

North East Borough Manager Patrick Gehrlein said flushing the system could take up to 13 hours.

The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection will then require two consecutive tests that show no contamination before it can lift the advisory.

Gehrlein said tests have consistently shown no contaminants in the water. However, he added, getting two consecutive test results after the flushing, all during Christmas week, could pose a challenge.

“When can we get them back and when will DEP approve them? That’s really the key,” Gehrlein said of the test results.

Gehrlein said he could not give a time or date when DEP would lift the advisory.

North East official says DEP advisory was ‘overzealous’

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