Ewa Beach 1st graders learn value of laulima

HONOLULU (KHON2) — The Laulima Giving Program has a growing number of partners, including public schools. We now have five schools that have adopted and integrated into their teachings, the value of laulima to help others in need.

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The morning started with a song and dance for parents and grandparents. Nearly 150 first-graders at Keone’ula Elementary School in Ewa Beach sat with them, got creative and learned a little math crafting ornaments.

KHON2 Hosts Annual Laulima Telethon to Support Hawaii Families in Need

“This is a great way to show kids how to compose and decompose shapes by creating these one-of-a-kind ornaments,” said Nicole Duldulao first grade teacher at Keone’ula Elementary.

The ornaments serve an even bigger purpose, each dedicated to a child in need, with a boy or girl and the age written on the back.

They’re hung on the school Christmas tree where parents, teachers, staff and the community take one, buy a gift for that child then bring it back to the school.

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