Sandy Paws Rescue, a dedicated foster-based dog rescue in Massachusetts, recently introduced an affectionate dog named Donna who is searching for her forever family. At approximately 2 years old, this charming pit bull mix has captured hearts with her playful spirit and gentle demeanor.
Weighing 45 pounds, Donna has proven herself to be the perfect companion size, combining the best qualities of both a snuggle buddy and an adventure partner. Her super cute appearance is matched by her affectionate personality, making her an ideal candidate for adoption.
Sandy Paws Rescue explains that Donna gets along well with other dogs. When it comes to training, she has been learning and making great progress with her leash walking. “She enjoys a good play session, loves her chew toys, and always brings a cheerful energy to her day,” states Sandy Paws Rescue. “When it’s time to eat, Donna is a delicate and polite diner—no gobbling here! Her gentle and calm demeanor makes her a joy to be around, and her favorite dream is to have her very own couch, complete with her very own people to love.”