Jackson County Prosecutor Jean Peters Baker’s exit interview with KSHB 41

In one of her last interviews, Jean Peters Baker sat down with KSHB 41 Anchor Kevin Holmes to look back on her time as Jackson County Prosecutor.

KH: “Why not seek re-election? What was the moment when you said, ‘I’m done?’”

JPB: “In 2020, I pushed myself along. I had to push through that election. Grind through that. I had a lot of big cases pending and I had to do that, but I was probably really close. What this county needs is somebody who is energetic and fresh, and willing to go to the mat on every issue.”

KH: “What’s the one piece of advice you have for your successor?”

JPB: “The piece of advice I have is to keep those who right now are very dear and close to you and have been for a long time. Your trusted circle; keep them close because you’re going to need them. Because the job is so much harder than you can ever imagine it’s going to be.”

KH: “How would you describe your tenure as prosecutor of Jackson County?”

JPB: “I’d say people know who I am. They know my moxie. My willingness to engage. Hopefully, they believe I was a prosecutor who would always put their interest first.”

Story continues