Progress on proposed US Market Gas Station on Newberg Highway comes to a halt

One of Woodburn’s most contentious new projects has hit yet another bump in the road.

The approval of the proposed US Market Gas Station on Newberg Highway has been appealed, leading to a current standstill on the project.

On Oct. 24, the Woodburn Planning Commission deliberated on the highly contentious US Market gas station proposal and voted 5-2 to approve the application. This decision seemed to end a two-year debate over this project — until now.

On Nov. 12, the city received an appeal of the planning commission’s land use decision on the project. The city has provided no further updates on the progress of the project.

The proposed project

The proposal consists of a conventional gas station with 12 pumps, a convenience store and two commercial office spaces to the south side of the convenience store. It would sit at the intersection of Newberg Highway and Oregon Way, which formerly housed two banks.

The gas station has been in the works since 2021 and was initially denied by the Woodburn City Council in 2022, mainly due to traffic concerns.

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