Letters to the editor for Sunday, December 29, 2024



Meeting of the minds

Recently, several reasonable liberal writers to this forum have mentioned harassment they have faced from conservative readers via mail and phone.  Please add my name to this list.  I have also been harassed and threatened by the anonymous less intellectually fortunate. Fortunately, I have received much more positive input from the more intelligent.

Several years ago I had what initially appeared to be a hairy situation with a MAGA proponent. While glancing out my front door an unknown van stopped at my driveway.  A tall stranger wearing a red MAGA cap exited his driver side door, opened the sliding door of his van and picked up a suspicious looking box.  As I watched, standing in my screened doorway, he ascended my driveway with this box and asked if I was Custa who wrote the anti-MAGA letter to the newspaper.  Catching me off guard, I replied “yes,” at which point he presented me with the box which contained the largest apple pie I have ever seen! Whew!

I invited him in and he introduced himself while spouting his praises for Donald Trump!  We spent the next few minutes chatting, laughing, and taking selfies as we hugged while I wore his MAGA cap!  As he departed, I thanked him for the pie and we agreed to continue our conversation over a hotdog at the Costco food court at a later date.

Story continues