Upstate school district set to follow new cell phone policy

ANDERSON COUNTY, S.C. (WSPA) – Students will no longer have full access to their cellphones when they return in January, and will be required to turn them off and put them away for the entire school day.

The State Department of Education is said this policy is to push their “Free to Focus” initiative, aimed at limiting distractions in the learning environment.

Anderson District Five said their students are required to turn off all personal electronic devices before entering the building, then store the device in a backpack or locker.

Students must keep the device off and put away until after dismissal.

“We have a lot of students who maybe work after school, maybe trying to set up rides for athletic events … there’s a variety of reasons why you do need to have access to one,” Assistant Superintendent of Anderson School District Five, Kyle Newton said. “The main thing is during the school day, during the instructional time, is to have it put up,”

District leaders said the policy could lessen instances of cyberbullying and cheating.

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