Childcare centers face new emergency rules from DHS

OKLAHOMA CITY ( KFOR ) — Childcare centers are facing changes to rules put in place by the Oklahoma Department of Human Services . The owners are worried the changes could impact the quality of care.

On Tuesday morning, childcare center owners talked in front of DHS at a public hearing voicing their concerns.

“At the top of the rules it says emergency, and it certainly is for childcare centers today,” said Joan Day, a childcare center owner.

DHS is proposing the new emergency rules after the pandemic federal funding for childcare centers depleted last May.

“This has nothing to do with quality. This has everything to do with money,” said Scott Noble, a childcare center owner.

Childcare center owners said they’re upset and frustrated they may lose money for their business and staff.

Childcare providers alarmed over proposed DHS cuts

“I find these rules terrifying. Largely because I have the responsibility to make payroll for staff that depend on me and these rules jeopardize my commitment to honor that,” said Stephanie Krug.

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