Several churches and nonprofits are joining forces in Plano to open an emergency shelter for the homeless during this week’s cold weather, and are asking for supplies.
The Plano Overnight Warming Station is expecting to serve more than 100 people each night during the cold spell. However, its supply of coats and hygiene items is running low. The group is asking for donations of coats, sweatshirts, jeans, winter hats, and gloves – plus new socks and underwear. They also need new individual-sized hygiene items including razors, lotion, and deodorant.
The Plano Overnight Warming Station is a partnership between local faith communities, the city of Plano, East Plano Islamic Center, the Salvation Army, and other service groups. You can find out more about them on their website .
Donations can be dropped off at Hope Restored Missions on Avenue K, St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic Church on Alma Drive, and the First Presbyterian Church on Jupiter Road. Donations can be placed in bags labeled “for POWS.”