Open enrollment is almost over, and Nevadans have until Jan. 15 to get health insurance if they do not have it already.
Here’s a look at what areas of Washoe County have the highest rates of uninsured residents and how to enroll.
What is open enrollment?
Open enrollment is a period in late fall to early winter when people can enroll in health insurance without a qualifying event.
When does open enrollment end?
People looking for insurance have until Jan. 15 to get health insurance without a qualifying event.
What is a qualifying life event?
A qualifying life event is a major life change that allows you to enroll in health insurance outside of open enrollment. These qualifying life events include getting married, having a child, losing your insurance, turning 26 and losing eligibility to stay on your parent’s plan, or no longer qualifying for Medicare or Medicaid.
What is a special enrollment period in relation to insurance?
A special enrollment period is a period of time outside of the open enrollment period when you can enroll in insurance.