Crime is the lowest it’s been in more than a decade in one West Valley city.
Cupertino had 741 reported criminal incidents in 2024, the lowest number in 12 years, according to the city’s crime dashboard . The most common crime category was identity theft, forgery and fraud with 169 instances, followed by grand theft and car burglaries with 111 and 106 instances, respectively. The other more than 300 crimes include 79 commercial and 71 home robberies, 54 instances of vandalism and 29 stolen cars, among others.
The Santa Clara County Sheriff’s Office took six minutes on average to respond to high-priority emergency calls, higher than its goal of five minutes, which officials attribute to multiple calls at once. The sheriff’s office serves Cupertino, which doesn’t have its own police department.
Crime in Cupertino between 2012 and 2024 peaked in 2019 when the city had 1,112 reported incidents, including 464 car thefts, 121 home robberies and 102 cases of identity theft, forgery and fraud. Car burglaries have been the city’s top-ranking crime over the years at 2,835 incidents, according to the dashboard. Identity theft, forgery and fraud cases have increased, going from 102 in 2019 to 169 last year.