Newell: The national media is unfairly flaying NOPD Chief Kirkpatrick, but the numbers take her side

“The terrorist is dead and now the media, at least on the national scene, look to assign blame. The person they’re looking to target for some of the blame is Superintendent Anne Kirkpatrick,” said the President of the Metropolitan Crime Commission, Rafael Goyeneche in our interview Thursday.

Goyeneche staunchly disagrees and doesn’t hesitate to explain why. He says, “Truth be told, I think she is one of the best things that’s happened to the City of New Orleans from a public safety perspective. Under her leadership, we’ve seen crime continue to go down. We’re seeing the morale of officers improving. We’re seeing new levels of accountability. We’re very close to substantial compliance with the consent decree. The events of what happened on January 1st are a tragedy… But everyone recognizes that what happened in New Orleans could happen anywhere… The blame assigned to Kirkpatrick is, I think, unjust and ill-informed.”

I don’t often rush to the side of the city officials. But in the case of Superintendent Anne Kirkpatrick, I couldn’t agree more with Goyeneche’s take…

Story continues