OKC named film-friendly city

OKLAHOMA CITY, Okla. (KSWO) – The Oklahoma Film + Music Office (OF+MO) recently certified Oklahoma City as one of the state’s film-friendly cities.

“Oklahoma City is proud to be officially designated as a film-friendly community,” Mayor David Holt said. “We truly are the capital of film for this state, and we remain enthusiastic about growing this industry. Our City has created a local film incentive and we have pursued partnerships that allow our city to host major films and television shows. The future of this industry in our city remains bright. And when films come to OKC they not only help shape our identity, but they also create jobs and support local businesses. For example, the “Twisters” shoot spent $42.6 million directly in Oklahoma City with a total economic impact to our City of over $200 million.”

The OF+MO office certifies film-friendly communities statewide that support production companies by designating a film liaison, establishing a film permit and increasing the representation of their community assets in OF+MO’s online Oklahoma locations directory…

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