MN Businesses Still Struggling, Take The Time To Shop Local

The next time you head out of the house to run an errand or two, look around. How many local businesses do you pass to a ‘big box’ store? Depending on where you are coming from that number could be double digits. One Minnesota business owner took the time recently to remind their followers just how tough it still is right now and encouraged people to take the time to buy local.

Heights Pizza Man, based down in Columbia Heights, was a pizza shop my family always ordered from, so I follow them online to keep up on specials for when I am down visiting. Yesterday the business took to social media to highlight times are still tough for many local businesses both in the Twin Cities as well as in greater Minnesota. Here’s what was posted.

I’ve spoken to a bunch of business owners in the last week, both local and statewide.

Nearly every single one I’ve talked to is struggling hard to stay afloat right now. Some are restaurants, some are not. For a huge percentage of restaurants like ours, apps like Door Dash having major technical issues nationwide have had a huge effect, knocking us nearly 40% below average for the week.

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