US Debt to Hit Record High in 4 Years

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Federal Debt Poised to Surpass Historic Levels

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has released its latest economic outlook, projecting that the U.S. government will break the federal debt record set in 1946. As a percentage of the economy, the debt held by the public is expected to rise from 98% to 107% by 2029, surpassing the current record of 106%.

Growing Deficit and Entitlement Spending

The federal budget deficit is projected to reach $1.9 trillion in 2025, with further increases in the following years. This growth is largely attributed to rising costs associated with Social Security and Medicare as the population ages, as well as increased interest payments on the national debt.

Social Security Trust Fund Depletion

The Social Security Old Age and Survivors Insurance Trust Fund is projected to become exhausted in 2033. When this occurs, beneficiaries may face a 21% reduction in benefits.

Consequences of Rising Debt

Experts warn that a high debt burden weakens the country’s economic stability. It can lead to higher interest rates, decreased investment, and a decline in the nation’s creditworthiness.

Solutions Proposed

The CBO report outlines potential solutions to address the fiscal challenges, including reducing spending and increasing revenue. Some experts suggest implementing policies that promote economic growth, such as infrastructure investments and tax incentives.

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