Georgia man saws a hole into gas station to steal 73 packs of cigarettes

Never underestimate the power of redneck engineering. While some methods are far from convention, they get things done. A Georgia man took a different approach to robbing a gas station by sawing a hole in the side.

Georgia man cuts a hole into a gas station wall to steal cigarettes

Cigarettes are getting expensive these days and laws are making them harder to buy. But since the dawn of smoking, people have been willing to sell them to underaged people for profit.

A Georgia man was really looking to save when he stole 73 packs of cigarettes and 100 lighters from a gas station . Too bad the suspect, identified as  Demetrius Ragland was caught on camera.

He cut a hole through a wall of a Mableton gas station with a concrete saw. According to Atlanta News First , he was spotted crawling across the floor toward an ATM machine…

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