Eden Prairie Advances Sustainability with New Solar Panel Project and Community Events on the Horizon

Eden Prairie is looking greener these days, and it’s not just the winter snow covering its landscapes. The city recently bagged another Solar on Public Buildings grant which was pre-approved to install rooftop solar panels on an Eden Prairie Liquor location on Den Road, as reported on the city’s official website. Having secured half the project cost through the state grant, and another 30% through federal incentives, the city staff is now gearing up to solicit installation bids.

Adding to the city’s list of events is the annual 2025 State of the City Luncheon happening on Jan. 23. According, to the city’s news release, the event will feature updates from local dignitaries and is open to the Eden Prairie community – registration is available online. As part of its Park and Play initiative, the Outdoor Center will also offer free cross-country skis, kicksleds, and snowshoes on Snowtime Saturdays, making the snowy landscape accessible for all.

Longtime Police Department dispatcher Beth Sams has concluded a 34-year tenure with the city, during which she answered the call to service from day one of Eden Prairie’s own 911 radio system. The community acknowledges and celebrates her steadfast presence at the city’s lifeline as she embarks on her well-earned retirement…

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