Letter to the Editor: State Lawmakers Introduce School Voucher Program for 2025

State lawmakers have chosen not to give up on passing Governor Bill Lee’s voucher program after its failed attempt last session. They introduced House Bill 1, which they dubbed the “Education Freedom Act.” This bill would allocate $7,075 per student to attend a private school. Ten thousand vouchers would be reserved for families with incomes below 300 percent of the income limit to qualify for free or reduced-price lunch, or for children with disabilities. The remaining 10,000 slots would have no income limit. This time, the bill included a one-time $2,000 “bonus” for public school teachers, which is their way of trying to win them over. I attended public schools K-12, and it is insulting that the state thinks our teachers will disregard how disastrous the program will be for our public schools for $2,000.

I would like to echo a statement made by Mayor Scott Conger of Jackson, Tennessee, “The average tuition for private schools in Jackson is $9,227. How is a $7,000 voucher going to help economically disadvantaged students?”

He is right; it will not. An already struggling family will have a hard time making up the difference. That is why this voucher program will effectively take away public tax dollars and give them to already enrolled private school students…

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