Decisions About Interstate Shut Downs in Wintry Weather

Fire department radio transmission: “Erie County you gotta call PSP, they’re going to have to shut down 90. We almost got hit by a semi. They were notified – they’re talking to their supervisor.”

On Monday, rescuers from eastern Erie County responded to a series of traffic accidents on I-90 during what they say were white out conditions at times. Some of the first responders on scene clearly thought that Penndot should shut down all traffic on I-90 in order to keep rescuers safe.

Greenfield Township Fire Chief Kevin Bartlett wasn’t in command, but his department assisted at the scene, and en route he heard their concerns. “Heard ’em talking over the radio, four times asking if Penndot could shut the road down because there was almost four instances in our ten minutes of travel time down there that first responders had to jump out of the way of vehicles…

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