Local man’s ‘Star Wars’ memorabilia sells for over $1M, and there’s more to come

DENVER ( KDVR ) — The first items from a local man’s collection of “Star Wars” memorabilia sold for over a million dollars, and more are heading to auction.

Jeff Jacob grew up in southwest Denver and started buying collectibles from the classic movies when he was 19 years old. After gathering pieces for 32 years, and at one point dedicating an entire level of his Lakewood house to the collection , he’s ready to sell over half of his pieces.

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After buying, selling and adding to his collection, Jacob estimates he has over 5,000 items worth a total of $5-7 million. Jacob is putting up 500 pieces of his collection at a time, releasing more every two months.

The first batch went up for auction in early January, and on Wednesday, the bidding closed on Hake’s Auctions , leaving one action figure to sell for over a hundred thousand dollars.

Here’s how much each piece sold for

Among the pieces, Jacob said over a hundred of them are the highest grade known in the world of each item. There are pieces in his collection believed to be among the only five known in the world.

These are the highest winning bids for some of the first 311 items that went up for auction:

Jacob said a key piece in the first collection is the Obi-Wan Kenobi action figure with a double-telescoping lightsaber. Jacob said there are only about 10 known packaged collectibles in the world, as they were pulled off the market because it was considered a choking hazard.

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In total, Jacob sold 311 pieces on Wednesday for $1,150,519.81…

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