Janelle Brown Questions Family Finances After Kody Brown Split

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Local woman Janelle Brown is reevaluating her finances after separating from her husband, Kody Brown. On a recent episode of Sister Wives, Janelle expressed concerns about the family’s shared finances during their plural marriage. She felt she lacked control over her own money.

While she acknowledged the benefits of a shared account, she claimed money became a point of contention. Janelle alleges Kody withdrew funds without explanation, leaving her in the dark about their usage.

Kody denied these accusations, stating he had many responsibilities as a father and husband. He argued Janelle’s bookkeeping role gave her a skewed perspective. He claimed she saw transactions without understanding the context.

Janelle disputed his claims, stating she simply recorded transactions and sent them to their accountant. She didn’t have the financial control Kody implied. She also addressed Kody’s alleged claims that she controlled the family’s finances, which she denies.

The land dispute at Coyote Pass is also causing friction. Janelle and Meri, another of Kody’s ex-wives, are seeking legal counsel to ensure they receive their share of the property. They claim to have contributed equally to its purchase.

Kody, however, disputes this, asserting he paid for a significant portion of the property himself. The differing accounts have further strained relationships within the family, with mistrust preventing open communication. Kody stated he’s working on the issue but isn’t being rushed.

Janelle is eager to resolve the land dispute, stating it’s the last tie she has to Kody and his current wife, Robyn. She’s ready to move on.

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