Land Between the Lakes to Host Bison Auction

The USDA Forest Service announces a public bison auction to manage herd size at Land Between the Lakes National Recreation Area Feb. 1 at the South Bison Range corral. Bidder registration and viewing begin at 8 am before the auction starts at 9 am. Bison can be purchased with cash, credit card, or personal check at time of bid acceptance. The Forest Service will sell approximately 30 bison, each separately to the highest bidder(s), including: 3 large bulls born 2022, 8 yearling bulls born 2023, 9 yearling heifers born 2023, 10 bull and heifer calves born 2024. Preliminary details regarding age, sex, and weights of all animals to be sold will be available after 2 pm, Tues., Jan. 28 with the final list available at 8 on auction day. All animals will be tested for brucellosis and tuberculosis by a licensed veterinarian before the auction. Additional services may be purchased from the on-site veterinarian by cash or check to include vaccinations at time of bid acceptance…

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