The Only Six Exceptions to the Texas Seatbelt Law

Almost every child in Texas learns at a very early age about being safe in a vehicle, especially when it comes to wearing a seatbelt. This safety device saves lives every day which is why it’s so important and law enforcement is always looking for people violating the seatbelt law, so they don’t end up dying in a crash.

But you probably didn’t know there are multiple exceptions to the seat belt law in the Lone Star State.

Let me start by saying you shouldn’t be looking for reasons to not wear your seatbelt.

We are fortunate nowadays that most vehicles will alert you with some annoying sound until the driver or passengers apply their seatbelts. It’s a safety check that works well. But hopefully, you already put on your seatbelt every time you enter a vehicle out of habit.

Why Would There Be Exceptions to the Seatbelt Law in Texas?

If we all know that seatbelts are important for safety, it doesn’t make sense that there would be exceptions to this law…

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