River Road Middle School Counselor wins the school $10,000

AMARILLO, Texas (KAMR/KCIT) — River Road Middle School Counselor Cindy Jones took part in the fourth annual Hilltop Hunt hosted by HilltopSecurities and won the school $10,000.

HilltopSecurities launched their 4th annual Hilltop Hunt back in October providing Texas Kindergarten through 12th grade educators with the chance to win a share of more than $50,000.

“It’s an online treasure hunt that’s based on Texas history trivia. So teachers are invited to log on to the game, try and solve the clues with their classes with other teachers, and every time they get one of the clues right, they gain entries into our trivia game,” said HilltopSecurities Assistant Vice President of Business Development Brianna Lemos.

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Educators who take part in Hilltop Hunt log in and are given clues on where Hilltop’s mascot, Mo the Buffalo, visited for the day. With Mo visiting some of his favorite Texas landmarks and leaving riddles and clues for everyone to play along…

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