Area school districts’ top musicians prepare for All-State concerts

The Amarillo and Canyon Independent School Districts announced recently that big honors are ahead this month for some of their high school and middle school students, as they prepare to participate in upcoming All-State events involving student musicians from all across Texas.

Amarillo ISD

Eleven of the state’s top-ranked Amarillo ISD high school musicians will perform as part of the TMEA (Texas Music Educators Association) All-State bands, choirs and orchestras event, which is being held Feb. 12-15 in San Antonio. In addition, AISD said the Bonham Middle School Advanced Men’s Choir is one of 14 choirs invited to perform at the event.

“Both achievements are the highest honors Texas music students can receive,” AISD said.

The competitive process began throughout the state in auditions hosted by 33 TMEA regions. AISD said individual musicians performed selected music for a panel of judges, who then ranked each instrument or voice part. From this ranking, a select group of musicians advanced from their region to compete against musicians from other areas in eight TMEA area competitions…

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